I spent a decade as a magazine editor, including working as the executive editor at the Texas Observer, a senior editor at Austin Monthly, and the founding editor of Edible Baja Arizona, a bimonthly magazine chronicling life in the borderlands. I also work as a contract editor, for Texas Monthly and other publications. Here are some stories I’ve edited:

Republican and Democratic Cities Band Together to Blow Up the Death Star Bill,” by Michael Hardy, Texas Monthly, November 2023

HB 2127, which strips municipalities of regulatory authority, was intended to target liberal cities. So why are conservative mayors so upset?

We’re Not Cruising Into A Driverless Future Just Yet,” by Dan Solomon, Texas Monthly, October 2023

For a few months this summer, autonomous vehicles roamed the streets of Austin. Self-driving trucks shuttle freight across the state. The autonomous future is here—but its arrival is fraught.

Life and Death in a Texas Homeless Camp,” by Gus Bova, Texas Observer, August 2021

As the unhoused population grows, cities like Austin turn to legalized camps, where community and calamity collide.

The Export Boom,” by Amal Ahmed, Texas Observer, December 2021

The United States’ oil and gas export boom has been a decade in the making. All along the Texas coast, communities are fighting back against the industry’s expansion.

The Prison Inside Prison,” by Michael Barajas, Texas Observer, January 2020

Texas has banished hundreds of prisoners to more than a decade of solitary confinement. Many of these prisoners aren’t sure how—or, in some cases, if—they will ever get out.

Critical Condition: A Three-Part Investigation into Texas’ Rural Healthcare Crisis,” by Sophie Novak and Christopher Collins, Texas Observer, November 2019

Life as a Farmworker in Yuma’s Lettuce Fields,” by John Washington, Edible Baja Arizona, republished in Civil Eats, September 2018

Each winter, the fields of Yuma, Arizona, grow half a billion heads of iceberg lettuce. This is what it's like to work as a lettuce harvester in those fields.